outfit of the day/ giving yourself some "love"

The only thing I feel that I have achieved today (apart from a mediocre poetry assignment) is wearing an outfit that I felt pretty happy in. I noticed recently that, since I've been at uni I've been making a lot less effort when it comes to looking after myself and my appearance. I think it's partly because I've had other things on my mind but it doesn't make me feel good. Making an effort to look after yourself and to put a little bit of effort in to your outfits is one way of giving yourself a bit of love. I know that not all people feel this way about clothes but I definitely do to an extent. So without further ado let's marvel at my success in dressing myself. DISCLAIMER: I'm sorry if my messy sink offends you D: Putting on a skirt always makes me feel really good about myself. I also find tights and skirts so much more fun and comfy than jeans. Me and jeans don't really get along. I'm not very good at "selfies" bu...