Giving too many f**ks

I have recently come to the conclusion that throughout my life and still today I give too many f**ks. It's been a strange experience coming to this conclusion because I see myself as quite an independent, confident person who does what she wants. And I am... but I could definitely care less about certain things. And I intend to! This face says 'Judge me, I dare you', but only because I'm not very photogenic. As much as do what I want, stand up for what I believe in and make my own choices, I'm still occasionally way too concerned about offending people over the smallest of things. And I'm talking things that would be so inoffensive that the offense caused would not be my problem AT ALL. I must have absorbed too much propaganda that tells women to be super polite and passive. I've also come to the conclusion that confidence knocks that happened earlier in my life have sort of stayed with me, stopping me from expressing myself in the way that I want ...