The Ups And Downs of Being Bisexual #BiVisibilityDay

How does one* celebrate #BiVisibilityDay? This is what I've been asking myself today. And it's a bit of a conundrum because on the one hand it's supposed to be a celebration for bi** people to shout out that they exist and that they're proud of who they are. But it's also a space to speak out about the issues that affect bi people. How do we balance the two, the positives and the negatives? Do we even need to worry about balancing the two? Created on Wordcloud So I'm settling my conundrum with a list, which I find tends to be a good solution to many problems. As my contribution to this fine day of being unashamed and honest about experiences of being bisexual, here are some positives and some negatives that spring to mind about being bisexual in a heteronormative society obsessed with binaries (and sex). Let's get the negatives out of the way... That internalised biphobia that makes coming to terms with your sexuality a muuuch slower process than ...