Bringing Out the Best in You TAG by Sophie Rosee

Hi everyone! My lovely friend Sophie, who has a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog recently created a brand new tag.

It's called the Bringing Out the Best in You Tag and it's all about self confidence and positivity. Obviously, I'm all up for this idea of a self esteem boost so let's get going!

I tag everyone who reads this post and wants to do the tag because who doesn't like a bit of self love? ;)

Pre seminar selfie - clearly I was excited
What's your favourite body part?
It's actually quite hard to choose! Not because I'm ridiculously cocky but because I don't have one part of me that I really really love. I quite like my bum and my legs but I also really enjoy putting makeup on so I also like my face. 

What makes you smile the most during a day?
How lovely my friends and family are. I'm reminded on a daily basis of what wonderful, kind, inspiring and funny people I have in my life.

What's your proudest achievement?
The English Literature award I got in year 11. It's been a while but I always remember the night I was presented the award with pride. I have always put my everything in to every literature essay I write so it felt good for my hard work to be recognised.

What about your personality makes you happy?
I'm good at entertaining myself and making myself laugh. I also really love my creativity because I loooove creating things.

What makes you different from the next person?
I have a couple of weird personality quirks that I don't know anyone else who has haha.

I hope lots of people catch on to this tag as I think it's excellent! If you don't have a blog you could always just drop me a comment, answering these questions.


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